COVID-19 Changes Trucking Industry


COVID-19 has changed the way we work and operate. While many are being laid-off and many stores are closing, this has not been the case for everyone. While many folks are at home and on lockdown, truckers are still moving back and forth to deliver goods and services to stores. Due to a number of factors, many officials have relaxed standards in order for drivers to do what must be done.

Relaxing on Hour Caps

If you talk to any trucker within the past 2 years, they would tell you that the standard 8-hours make it tough to make deliveries on time. If a truck driver goes over their required hours, then penalties can be placed upon them. If done enough times, then termination can also be a result. With the current issues going on in the US, regulations such as these have been put on hold. The trucking industry faces the challenge of not having enough drivers on the road. This means the ones that are currently working have to work double-time in order to deliver the optimal amount of products. This does not come as a benefit as much as it is a necessity. Still, the ability to do your job without having to worry about legal repercussions of working too long to make the trip is better than being stagnant.

COVID-19 Moves Yearly Inspections To July

Typically, March is the time of year that truckers hate the most. This month signifies that inspectors are in mass and cracking down on the requirements for truck drivers. They typically check for all the required DOT paperwork, the necessary authorities, and registrations, insurance, driver intoxication, driver well-being, and truck maintenance. These have been put on hold during this time of emergency in order to continue to ship goods across the US. For many truck drivers and businesses, this is a relief. Where the industry is already stretching itself thin, to mark people up for minor infractions adds another blow to an already stressed industry. By limiting the already few numbers of truck drivers, inspections will hold off until July.

Higher Wages and Benefits During COVID-19

In order for companies to keep their positions filled, many have offered up higher salaries and benefits packages to new and prospecting drivers. This has caused a slight uptick for those looking to change their career path. Until recently, wages were low and benefits did not meet the demands on those looking for careers. Well, in the realm of supply and demand, the demand is exceptionally high, and the supply is low. Right now, it is the perfect time to become a driver. The more drivers that are on the road, the less strain there is on the industry. Each new driver cuts back the weight that other current drivers hold.

Obtaining New Drivers For many, the career choice isn’t the most glamorous one. But, hey, not every opportunity is. Right now, the trucking industry provides much better wages and benefits than ever before. If you have a CDL license, then maybe its time to get back behind the wheel and help the country continue to move forward in a time of crisis.

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