Councilwoman Monica Montgomery Steppe from San Diego, California, is appointing to a nine-member task force that explores the idea of reparations for Black people in California. The California Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins, Democrat-San Diego, on Monday made the appointment.
Reparations for African-Americans
Moreover, The Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans, with a Special Consideration for African Americans Who are Descendants of Persons Enslaved in the United States, was, in fact, a result of Assembly Bill 3121. The not-so-wonderful Governor Gavin Newsom in October of 2020.
Councilwoman Speaks on Serving on the Task Force
I’m grateful to Senate President pro Tempore Atkins for this appointment to continue my ongoing work in fighting for racial equity, Montgomery Steppe said. It’s an honor to serve on this Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals.
There are barriers that African Americans have dealt with in this county since its beginnings. I think this is a critical first step to dismantle systemic racism. I really look forward to the work of the task force.
Senator Steve Bradford has also put into the task force on Monday by Atkins.
Councilwoman Talks about Black History Month
We are on the heels of a year of devastating events that underscored our nation’s ongoing struggle to gain equality and justice for Black Americans. This takes place as we enter into Black History Month. Moreover, I am honored to name my colleague Senator Steven Bradford and Councilmember Monica Montgomery Steppe to the Reparations Task Force,” Atkins said.
Historic Task Force
Dr. Shirley Weber created this new task force. Weber is California’s new Secretary of State. This occurred while she was in the assembly. The task force is a big step forward in California’s pursuit to reckon with our dark history of slavery. Then to cast light upon the shadows of systemic racism. This will continue to go on within our institutions. Moreover, as leaders, Senator Bradford and Councilmember Montgomery Steppe, will give big insight, into the work this group will produce. Thus, this pulls from both their life experiences and their careers spent in public service,” Atkins said.