If you’re waiting for your tax refunds to come back, chances are you should just claim them already. At least, that’s what the County Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office is telling us. Chances are, they won’t wait much longer before rolling the unclaimed $713,585 dollars back into the general fund. This is what Dan McAllister, Treasurer-Tax Collector, agreed with earlier today. “The average refund is $386, and that can go a long way. At least, for those who are the rightful owners and who need it.”
Of course, since the pandemic, the county has still about 1,771 refunds yet to be claimed in a list found at sdttc.com. Currently, only 77 claims have been able to recover about $39,908 in dollars. Granted, if you happen to be owed money, you may be encouraged to follow certain instructions on the unclaimed money page, in order to file a refund claim by December 17th.
This is to say you have an actual in to get the good tax refunds. If you just email your claim to refunds@sdcounty.ca.gov, or even call 1-877-829-4732, you may be able to enjoy such benefits when new unclaimed money lists get their due post.
McAllister continues: “We want all of this money returned to San Diegans, so tell your friends and family to go to sdttc.com to check the unclaimed money list.” At this juncture, the smallest refund is ten bucks. Why wouldn’t you want that money in your possession? You’d have to be a total nincompoop in order to deny that as being a reality.