Free Books Given Out To Lakeside Students Via Vending Machines

Free Books

There’s a brand-new vending machine making the rounds at Riverview International Academy. It’s incredible, honestly. Because it’s a brand-new addition of books for the local student body in the local school district. The machine definitely tilts the industry on it’s head. All because there’s an initiative for the students that want to receive a gold token. All while there’s a new machine that dispenses books. Crystal Grobner, the leader of the Riverview Parent Teacher Student Association, believes that this will be a great motivator for students who want to improve their behavioral skills. In a statement, she said that “The idea of having a book as a prize as an award, and something exciting that you get to choose and put a coin in and get a book in return, we think that extra layer of excitement about books is really important at our school.”

Using triple-immersion curriculum, the school provides books with three different languages: English, Spanish and Mandarin.

Teachers are always pushing for more students to learn and what way for them to do so is better than receiving free materials?

The teachers choose which of the kids are able to choose from the free book vending machine, but do so while showing an example of equity. In other words, all students are mandated to earn a token for every school year.

Global Vending Group, in charge of creating enough book vending machines for 500 schools all over the USA, state how the system is so popular, there’s a wait list that takes months to endure

And that is certainly a delight to hear as boys and girls all over the San Diego county get more enthusiastic about reading through the very surprise of reward. It’s a great initiative that empowers the youth of today to adopt the habits of tomorrow. All a very forward interest to put on children. One would say that the San Diegans of the future are always pushing to be well-read, without having to worry about finances. If more people realized the value that came with reading, they would know that it improves cognitive thinking and would therefore think twice before scrolling wocial media incessantly.

If knowledge is power, access to free education is the fuel. And using a vending machine a valuable means of reading allows for some stylistic quirkiness to be often unforgettable when Riverview International Academy is remembered by alumni.

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