Are you a college student who will be heading back to campus in the next few weeks? If so, do you want to have some independence by having your own car with you? We can help make that happen for you! Our auto transport service is perfect to get your car to your campus for you, without you having to drive it there yourself! That means you can conveniently fly, take the train, or simply drive with your family to get back to school while we handle your car for you! How exactly does our college auto shipping work? Great, question!
College auto shipping works just like any other form of auto shipping, with either open air or enclosed shipping.
When you decide to ship your car to your school, you have the choice of doing so with either our open or enclosed shipping styles. This means you can ship with your car out in the air, feeling the rush of air and sunshine, or you can ship with your car feeling like a VIP! In either case, when you ship with us, your car is handled with the utmost care and has a 100% safety in shipping guarantee! That means we you can easily rest no matter what shipment style you select. Furthermore, we will provide door-to-door shipping, so we can pick up your car right from your door at home and drop it off right at your door at school!
What benefits do you get from having your car shipped?
Well, shipping your car actually saves you a lot of money and time. You do not have to pay the high gas prices in order to drive your car the whole distance, nor do you have to pay for hotels overnight on the multi-night journey! Furthermore, you do not lose the days you would lose while driving. You can instead spend that time with friends and family or doing more important things like packing!
It also brings a great relief to parents. Shipping your car means you as the college student does not have to go several days driving all the way by yourself! Plus, you can bring more stuff with you! We allow anything up to 100 pounds in your car when we ship for you. Anything above that comes with an additional fee. Nonetheless, this is a lot of room for stuff you can bring back with you to school!